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Privacy Policy
Magherafelt Centre
Data Protection
This privacy notice explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it and how we protect it. We have a number of notices for individuals who come into contact with our company.
Our Data Protection officer is the Childcare Manager
Privacy Notice - Website
You can make contact with us through our website using the contact us form. Whilst we maintain the highest standards of security with your data and will do our best to protect your Information, we cannot ensure the security of your data transmitted via our Website.
Privacy Notice – Parent/Carer (Child)
We are committed to ensuring that any personal data we hold about you and your child is protected in accordance with data protection laws and is used in line with your expectations.
This privacy notice explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it and how we protect it.
What personal data do we collect?
We collect personal data about you and your child to provide care and learning that is tailored to meet your child’s individual needs. We also collect information in order to verify your eligibility for free childcare as applicable.
Personal details that we collect about your child include:
your child’s name, date of birth, address, health and medical needs, development needs, and any special educational needs, religion, nationality, photographs, videos.
Where applicable we will obtain child protection plans from social care and health care plans from health professionals.
We will also ask for information about who has parental responsibility for your child and any court orders pertaining to your child.
Personal details that we collect about you include:
your name, home and work address, phone numbers, emergency contact details, family details , email address.
This information will be collected from you directly in the registration form
Why we collect this information and the legal basis for handling your data
We use personal data about you and your child in order to provide childcare services and fulfil the contractual arrangement you have entered into.
This includes using your data to:
    contact you in case of an emergency
    to support your child’s well-being and development
    to manage any special educational, health or medical needs of your child whilst at our setting
    to carry out regular assessment of your child’s progress and to identify any areas of concern
    to maintain contact with you about your child’s progress and respond to any questions you may have
    to keep you updated with information about our service
With your consent, we will also record your child’s activities for their individual learning record. This may include photographs and videos. You will
have the opportunity to withdraw your consent at any time, for images taken by confirming so in writing.
We have a legal obligation to process safeguarding related data about your child should we have concerns about their welfare. We also have a
legal obligation to transfer records and certain information about your child to the school that your child will be attending (see Transfer of Records
Who we share your data with
In order for me to deliver childcare services we will also share your data as required with the following categories of recipients:
    Health and Social Services Trust – during an inspection or following a complaint about our service
    banking services to process chip and pin and/or direct debit payments (as applicable)
    the Local Authority (where you claim up to 30 hours free childcare as applicable)
    the government’s eligibility checker (as above)
    our insurance underwriter (if applicable)
    our setting software management provider
    the school that your child will be attending
We will also share your data if:
    We are legally required to do so, for example, by law, by a court or the Charity Commission;
    to enforce or apply the terms and conditions of your contract with us;
    to protect your child and other children; for example by sharing information with social care or the police;
    it is necessary to protect our or others rights, property or safety
    We transfer the management of the setting, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the prospective buyer so they may continue the service in the same way.
We will never share your data with any other organisation to use for their own purposes
How do we protect your data?
We protect unauthorised access to your personal data and prevent it from being lost, accidentally destroyed, misused, or disclosed by:
Data is accessed by authorised individuals. All Paper forms are locked away and all computers and tablets are password protected.
How long do we retain your data?
We retain your child’s personal data for up to 3 years after your child no longer uses our setting, or until our next Health and Social Services Trust inspection after your child leaves our setting. Medication records and accident records are kept for longer according to legal requirements. Your child’s learning and development records are maintained by us and handed to you when your child leaves.
In some instances (child protection, or other support service referrals) we are obliged to keep your data for longer if it is necessary to comply with legal requirements (see our Children’s and Provider Records policies).
Automated decision-making
We do not make any decisions about your child based soley on automated decision-making. Or explain details if this is the case.
Your rights with respect to your data
You have the right to:
    request access, amend or correct your/your child’s personal data
    request that we delete or stop processing your/your child’s personal data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing; and
    request that we transfer your, and your child’s personal data to another person
If you wish to exercise any of these rights at any time or if you have any questions, comments or concerns about this privacy notice, or how we
handle your data please contact us. If you continue to have concerns about the way your data is handled and remain dissatisfied after raising your
concern with us, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner Office (ICO). The ICO can be contacted at Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF or
Changes to this notice
We keep this notice under regular review. You will be notified of any changes where appropriate.
Privacy Notice - Staff
Introduction – for Employees / Students & Volunteers
We are committed to ensuring that any personal data we hold about you is protected in accordance with data protection laws and is used in line
with your expectations.
This privacy notice explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it and how we protect it.
Collecting data
As an employer it is necessary for us to collect personal information about you. For the majority of data we collect, the lawful basis for doing so falls under the category of ‘legal obligation’ such as names, date of birth and addresses as we have a legal requirement to obtain this data.
Some data we collect requires you to give consent for us to do so. Where this is the case, you will be required to sign a consent form to ‘opt in’ and have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
We will make sure that the information about you is accurate and up to date when we collect or use it. You can help us with this by keeping us informed of any changes to the information we hold about you.
In order for us to collect data from you, you will be required to complete paper forms. The types of data we collect from you:
    Full name, Date of birth, Home address, Religion and nationality
    Telephone number(s), Photographs
    Names, contact numbers and addresses of your emergency contacts
    Email address, Medical conditions and medication
    DBS information, Bank details, National insurance number, Right to work check
During your employment, we will also create other records which contain your personal data such as supervision/suitability records, attendance/annual leave records, accident/incident logs and any disciplinary action as necessary (please note this list is not exhaustive).
Sharing information with others
Sometimes we have to confirm or share information with other organisations for example our external payroll department, insurance company. If we need to do this, we will make it clear to you on the forms you complete giving us the information. We will inform you before sharing any of your information. Please read all paperwork thoroughly before signing, so that you know exactly how your information will be used.
We will keep data about you. We will protect your data against unauthorised change, damage, loss or theft. All data collected is only accessed by authorised individuals. All paper forms are kept locked away and all computers and tablets are password protected.
Data retention
We will hold information about you only for as long as the law says and no longer than necessary. After this, we will dispose of it securely. Please see our retention periods for records for more information.
Access and correctness
Whenever possible, we will let you see the information we hold about you and correct it if it is wrong. This needs to be requested in writing.
Our Commitment
We will only collect information that is necessary for what we do. We will be fair in the way we collect information about you. We will tell you what we intend to do with the information about you. Where possible, we will collect information directly from you. If we collect information about you from someone else, we will make sure you know what information we hold on you, where possible and legal to do so.
General Data Protection Regulation (2018)
We will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR). We will support you with any questions or problems that you may have. If we cannot help you, we will give you advice on where to get the information you may need.
Want to contact us directly? Email:
Kiddiwinkles Castledawson
Unit 15, Milltown Business Park
88 Castledawson Road
Co. Londonderry
BT45 6RZ
Kiddiwinkles Care and Learning Centre Ltd. ©2019 All Rights Reserved
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